Friday, March 5, 2010

Why not worried of Life?

In our day to day life, we are much worried about our things in different manner and in different issues. The only issue we never worried of is Life Insurance.  That's right you heard it right.

Just sitting before the wheel we do check a lot issues like pressure in tyres, fuel in tank, spare tyres and condition of the brakes but why we never check the right amount of insurance or cover needed for our life and family in case of any eventuality because we are afraid of the thought that we are no more tomorrow and that fear leads us to different root.

It's very important to give support to the family who lost us though that space cannot be filled with any means for life but certainly our handy  coverage will certainly help them to great extent.

 I do write more about amount of insurance and type of cover we need in next episode..

Happy Living 

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